
your workforce

Work as we know it, is at the cusp of a paradigm shift, where the tools of technology will augment the human workforce.
By combining the best of human and artificial intelligence, we bring in a smarter, faster and a newer era of Work.

Innovation happens at the intersection of people, process and technology

Welcome to the next generation of


Either way, We got you!

Introducing Builder

A no code platform for experts to scroll through industries and solve real problems by deploying autonomous process solutions.

An automation platform that makes deployments fast and simple.

Earn Monetary Rewards
Explore Opportunities
Connect with Companies
Deploy Custom Solutions
Visualize and Control
Scale Operations
Realise ROI
Boost Efficiency

Introducing Vision

A powerful tool to manage and control the hybrid workforce in real time.

Visualise and create operational processes in real time, with all the control, from anywhere.

A shift from random routine to

Strategically Sensitive

Unlock the reservoir of creativity

Enhanced analytics

Employees can focus on information gathering and employee sharing

Fast, simple and fully automated

Blockchain enabled security

Machines are great. Humans? Even better.

But only if we free them up from the mundane and drudgery so that they can focus on the extraordinary.

After all, an investment in automation is ultimately an investment in people

Let the numbers speak for the

ease, speed and reliability


Processes created


Hours saved


Customer Satisfaction

What our

Experts & Clients have to say

/assets/clients/Adeeb Shams (City Bank ltd)

AIW has helped us save almost 7000 man hours annually by automating 7 critical processes, resulting in huge cost savings. While our customers are growing and transactions are increasing multi-fold, thanks to AIW with which we are able to process payroll in-house more efficiently

~ Adeeb Shams (City Bank ltd)

Companies that love working with us
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Contact us

1st floor, Cyberpark Sector 67 Gurugram

+91 0124-4383768